Saturday, August 23, 2014

Back to School


It's hard to believe that we're back to school already. Even this little guy is going!

He didn't like the snack the first day (rice pudding) and the second day said, "I never want to go to school ever again!" On Friday he was thrilled with the crackers and juice. Hopefully he won't complain about going back on Monday. He's been really stubborn about learning Spanish so doesn't understand or speak very much. Hopefully four hours a day will change that quickly.

The report from the first day of grade 1 was, "Only one boy hit" and on the second day, "No kids hit." Yes, we work with at-risk kids. Please pray for their discipline and self-control.

Grade 5 with a male teacher seems to be a success. We get glowing reports daily. Thanks for your prayers as we've been starting another school year with Kids Alive here in the Dominican Republic!

Marcie Cooper

Monday, August 4, 2014

MK Hugs

Photo by Mary Milec

A quick hug and I’m off on a new adventure. 
I can’t wait to get on the plane.
I wave good-bye, follow Daddy’s lead, 
Then walk through a funny machine.

The plane ride is long and new people await 
To greet with a hug or a kiss.
Don’t know who they are so I’ll hide if I can 
And hope and pray I’ll get missed.

Two years have gone by and I’m going to visit 
A place that I sometimes remember.
I hug my friends but promise that I 
Will be back soon enough next September.

It’s Grandma and Grandpa! I’m happy to see them 
And run to them fast as I can.
I see them on Skype but it’s just not the same 
To put arms all around a computer.

Who’s this strange person who wants a hug 
And remembers me from being little?
I’m not quite sure but maybe can manage 
To hug them just a little.

Time to go again and I’m happy and sad 
For soon I’ll give hugs to my friends;
But aunts and uncles must stay behind 
And cousins just don’t understand.

I’m back for a while and settling in 
When another MK has to leave. 
I’m holding her tight while her mom says, “Time’s up.” 
Don’t know if I’ll see her again.

The cycle continues. I go back and forth 
Between hugs of hellos and good-byes.
I’m hugging much longer though Mom says, “Let go.” 
I now know much more about time.

I have friends in two places and relatives scattered 
To love, and to hug when I can.
Reunions are joyous so travel I must 
Though it’s hard to leave loved ones again.

So if you’re hugged tighter and longer than normal, 
Just squeeze me a little bit more.
Parting is hard but more hugs will be given 
On the other side of the shore.

Marcie Cooper