Dear friends,
You may be wondering where we have been and what we have been up to. It's been a long time since I've written on here. And for those of you on our mailing list, a prayer letter will be coming soon. The Spring was busy and emotional as we prepared to move out of our apartment in the Dominican Republic and return to Canada for a extended furlough. We flew back to Ontario at the end of June and spent a couple weeks with family before driving out to British Columbia for Paul to begin his Master's in Educational Leadership. After spending six weeks of the summer in BC, we gradually camped our way across the States back to Ontario. September was full with getting moved into our current house, attending missions events, and starting online classes for Paul and homeschooling for the rest of us. Now, in October, we are finally settling into more of a routine. We're missing our friends and life in the Dominican Republic but are enjoying fall and the changing colours that we are seeing for the first time since 2008.
Please continue to pray for our family as we go through a very different year from what we're used to and also for ANIJA as they carry on without Paul's leadership. Thank you!
P.S. Here are a few pictures. More will come...
Good-bye D.R. |
My cousin's farm in Manitoba |
At the Calgary Stampede |
Big trees in BC |
Mt. Baker |
White Rock |
Stanley Park |
Vancouver |
Vancouver Island |
We loved catching up with family! |