Thursday, August 2, 2012

Santo Domingo Tour: Museums and Ruins


A one day trip to Santo Domingo is taking me almost three weeks to write about! Let me quickly show you a few last sites so we can more on to another topic.

After the National Pantheon, two-thirds of the group opted to go shopping and the rest of us continued on to tour the home of Diego Columbus. He was Christopher Columbus' son who became governor of the island in 1509.

 One remaining wing of Diego Columbus' palace

After that tour, more left to go shopping but a few of us continued on to learn see some more of the country's history. 

We walked through the Royal Houses Museum where I took my favourite picture of the whole trip.

Gate to the courtyard of the Royal Houses Museum

Then we saw the ruins of a monastery and a hospital built in the 1500's.

Ruins of The Monastery of San Francisco

Ruins of chapels in the monastery

We wondered what it would have been like to be 
a patient in the first hospital in the New World

There were more churches that we rushed past on our way to meet up with the group but by then I think we were all toured out anyways.

Here are the three of us who made it through the entire tour: Johanna, a summer intern; me; and Vic, our Island Director.

Thanks for tagging along. I promise you'll see cute kids instead old ruins next time :)

Marcie Cooper

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